Medical cost ratio (MCR) is a ratio calculated by the formula of dividing total medical expenses paid by an insurer by the total insurance premiums it collected.
Open Enrollment For Health Insurance 2025: Beginning Nov. 1 through Jan. 15, individuals and families can enroll in or change their health coverage options through the Health Insurance Marketplace.
GEHA (Government Employees Health Association) is a self-insured, not-for-profit association providing medical and dental plans to federal employees and retirees and their families through the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program and the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP). GEHA.
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) is a health insurance plan that provides health services through a network of doctors, provides health services for a fixed annual fee.
Cigna Forecasts 2025 Profit Growth of at Least 10% After Beating Quarterly Expectations Reuters - October 31: Cigna projected at least a 10% profit growth for 2025 after delivering a…
There are many types of health insurance plans, including: Individual health insurance: This plan provides medical coverage for the policyholder. Family floater plan: Also known as family health insurance, this plan covers…
Medical Billing Guide Medical billing is a crucial process in the healthcare system, serving as the financial backbone for healthcare providers. It involves the submission of healthcare claims to insurance…
Medical billing terminology refers to the specialized language used in the healthcare industry to describe services, procedures, diagnoses, and the process of submitting claims for payment to insurance companies or…
Explore the various types of insurance available in the United States, including health, auto, home, life, and liability insurance. Understand their benefits, & coverage options.